The Handorian State of Hartem (part 1)
The sign of Leo and Sector 5 are epically related with the Cosmopolitan State of Hartem, the Fifth State of the Handorian State System. Hartem, together with the Handorian States Territory of Handor, is basically the Sacred Heart and the Capital of the Handorian States System. The Hartemian capital district (Zentrart) is pierced by the slender quoin of the Handorian States Territory of Handor, which culminates here in the splendour of the Treka, the paramount structure of the Handorian General States Upper House, and the vigour of the Handorian Defence Major Command Foundation. The Hartem Major Place dominates the Zentrart scenes, together with the ritual area of the Island of Karpah and the colossal Twelve National Blocks, the 3 Axis and the Handorian Fortified Block of Handor. The capital is actively touched by the waters of the Western Kirway Sea, flowing into the Basin of Zentrart through the Kurtavindah, the enormous capital tutelary barrier.
In this issue we cover six of the 12 Hartemian Nations.
Hartfort – 5.4: The Hartfortian Nation is celebrated for the formation of the state capital tutelary barrier of Kurtavindah and the Hartemian Fort. The Kurtavindah, conceived by Shiramest, Hartfort’s national hero, is the strongest protection and fortification structure in the Handorian States System. Although this massive barrier is under the jurisdiction of the capital district of Zentrart, it is basically run by Hartfortian guards. On the south-west bend of the Kurtavindah lies the Hartemian Fort, the key southern defensive stronghold of the capital, evoking ancient times of Handorian siege warfare. Hartfort is also renowned for its food, catering and hospitality industries, and for featuring some of the most comfortable Hartemian hotels, such as the Harfort Interstate Hotel and the Home of Hartem. The Nation of Hartfort emanates a deep resonance with the original traditions of the Hartemian people
Harvey – 5.5: This is the multi-dimensional higher octave of entertainment, games, playful romance and pleasure. A vacation in Harvey energizes and makes enduring the heart, bestowing beauty and light, transforming most depressive and desperate situations into climaxes of radiance and paradise. Folks from Harvey are among the greatest beautifiers and energizers. As a result their brilliant creations generously emanate from their nation and pervade the Handorian hearts. In this respect the majestic Hartemian Grand Temple, in the central district of Harvey Kohr, mightily epitomizes Harveyan graceful magnificence. On a New Moon in Leo, and also on all other possible New Moons, Harvey resonates at its best and munificently dispenses blessings to those who feel entitled to receive them. Hence, the only question you need to ask yourself here is: “do I feel entitled to get what I wish?” This question also requires conscious awareness of your wishes, which leads to the bonus question: “What do I wish?” The answer to these questions is your password to Harvey. Please do not expect Harveyan authorities to set it up for you, for this will never work. While Harvey provides the address, you are the one who decides about the password. This is your chance! Once you enter Harvey, then you are bound to fully manifest your wishes. What else could you do there? The first step in the admission process is the translucent awareness of what you wish, while the second step is feeling entitled to bring to fruition what you wish. This allows you to enter the password and move to the third step, which is the instantaneous accomplishment of what you wish. Thus, on this New Moon time, please noticeably state your wishes, giving them consent to pragmatically reveal themselves, which is tantamount to feeling entitled to get what you wish. If you heed these instructions, you will find yourself in Harvey.
Articulate your wishes, write and even draw them down, surrender them to the Hartemian Grand Temple, and prepare yourself to receive them. This is the greatest risk possible. If you want to attain what you desire, you need to take this risk, and the more risks you take, the more you will manifest what you wish. Those who are afraid to make mistakes, constantly pondering whether they are entitled to do this or that, whether there are risks involved or not, will never make it to Harvey. Unless you have nothing better to do, stop being self-conscious and forget about risks or mistakes. Life is all hazardous anyway. Death is inevitable, and the packet of life always comes with an indeterminate, yet definite, date of expiry. Hence, in the meantime, if you get dull and stuck, instead of reaching out for what you wish, this is indeed the greatest risk you will ever run. There are no mistakes when taking risks, as long as you do not continue to make the same mistake over and over. Thus, be creative in your mistakes and always make sure that you devise innovative ones. Please do it right away! Go for what you wish in this precise moment. Do not delay for this makes Harveyan hearts inconsolable. Embrace your veritable passion! The Gate of Harvey will open for you. This is the greatest risk!
Haruhan – 5.6: Haruhan is a nation with the special status of sovereignty, which means that it is ruled by a king or queen. Its name comes from King Haruhan the First, one of the most renowned heroes in the State of Hartem, as well as the other five Central Handorian Core states (Kirway, Kallex, Trent, Tudor, Framg) and Handor. Haruhan is articulated into 12 national counties and the Royal Borough of Haruhan City. A major feature of Haruhan is the Hartemian Library Foundation, a gigantic multi-dimensional library and documentation centre.
Hartnor – 5.7: Hartnor occupies the Northern territory of the State of Hartem and is bounded by Tudor, Trent and Handor. Hartnor is a most recent nation. It was once the smallest and remotest territory of Hartem, the extreme edge of the State and also quite a dull, insipid location. The Hartemian expression “Go to Hartnor!” was a hilarious way of conveying to the recipient that you prefer not to be in his-her company. Then, as a result of an intricate story, which I abstain to relate at least for now, the territory of Hartnor increased in size, and is currently the largest nation. I regret I do not have time to celebrate the beauty and attractiveness of this nation, as well as all the other nations of the State of Hartem. Please find below a rough map.
Holsart – 5.8: Holsart is the oldest territory of Hartem, which was once called Sartem. Here the earliest settlements were established right after the emergence. The nature of this pristine community was awfully stimulating and attractive. It was indeed the bona fide horniest bit of the Handorian States. And, since in those times Handorians were extremely horny, the community expanded beyond any measure, until it became Hartem, the most gigantic metropolitan area of the Grey Sphere. Compared to what has developed around it, Holsart is not particularly relevant nowadays. The outer surface of most of its territory has been preserved just as it was in the early ages, offering a huge contrast with the current general make-up of Hartem. In the Epic context, Holsart is significant for the legendary presence of the Sacred Cone Golden Seed.
Donarul – 5.9: Located in the far eastern zone of the State, it is the most extraordinary Hartemian metropolitan development in recent ages. Donarulish are highly mobile, migrating and adventurous beings, with a compelling urge to discover and love what lies beyond, unveil hidden truths and then return home to describe their findings. They are also most popular for their overwhelming laughter, which can be extensively heard, especially in the south-east area of Donarul, near the border with the Nation of Lenning. It is thanks to this remarkable laughing spirit that they can face most audacious enterprises. Their pristine challenge involved establishing an outlet in the Handorian Sea, which, given the political situations of those times, was regarded as the greatest possible absurdity. Yet, following a long series of most audacious and hilarious endeavours, this is indeed what they accomplished! As a result, the State of Hartem was connected to the Handorian Sea, with the port town of Donandor becoming its far eastern extreme base and the departing point of many other amazing expeditions. Thus, if you aim at something unbelievable, mind-blogging, implausible, far-fetched, absurd, and against all odds, Donandor is the place to visit. There you will find all the support you need, for in Donandor the implausible becomes plausible. Yet, there is one condition: it will not work unless you walk, as well as laugh, your talk, have an unbending Intent and are prepared to gamble your entire energetic resources. Hence, give it a thought and once you are ready, you know where to go.
The sign of Leo and Sector 5 are epically related with the Cosmopolitan State of Hartem, the Fifth State of the Handorian State System. Hartem, together with the Handorian States Territory of Handor, is basically the Sacred Heart and the Capital of the Handorian States System. The Hartemian capital district (Zentrart) is pierced by the slender quoin of the Handorian States Territory of Handor, which culminates here in the splendour of the Treka, the paramount structure of the Handorian General States Upper House, and the vigour of the Handorian Defence Major Command Foundation. The Hartem Major Place dominates the Zentrart scenes, together with the ritual area of the Island of Karpah and the colossal Twelve National Blocks, the 3 Axis and the Handorian Fortified Block of Handor. The capital is actively touched by the waters of the Western Kirway Sea, flowing into the Basin of Zentrart through the Kurtavindah, the enormous capital tutelary barrier.
In this issue we cover six of the 12 Hartemian Nations.
Hartfort – 5.4: The Hartfortian Nation is celebrated for the formation of the state capital tutelary barrier of Kurtavindah and the Hartemian Fort. The Kurtavindah, conceived by Shiramest, Hartfort’s national hero, is the strongest protection and fortification structure in the Handorian States System. Although this massive barrier is under the jurisdiction of the capital district of Zentrart, it is basically run by Hartfortian guards. On the south-west bend of the Kurtavindah lies the Hartemian Fort, the key southern defensive stronghold of the capital, evoking ancient times of Handorian siege warfare. Hartfort is also renowned for its food, catering and hospitality industries, and for featuring some of the most comfortable Hartemian hotels, such as the Harfort Interstate Hotel and the Home of Hartem. The Nation of Hartfort emanates a deep resonance with the original traditions of the Hartemian people
Harvey – 5.5: This is the multi-dimensional higher octave of entertainment, games, playful romance and pleasure. A vacation in Harvey energizes and makes enduring the heart, bestowing beauty and light, transforming most depressive and desperate situations into climaxes of radiance and paradise. Folks from Harvey are among the greatest beautifiers and energizers. As a result their brilliant creations generously emanate from their nation and pervade the Handorian hearts. In this respect the majestic Hartemian Grand Temple, in the central district of Harvey Kohr, mightily epitomizes Harveyan graceful magnificence. On a New Moon in Leo, and also on all other possible New Moons, Harvey resonates at its best and munificently dispenses blessings to those who feel entitled to receive them. Hence, the only question you need to ask yourself here is: “do I feel entitled to get what I wish?” This question also requires conscious awareness of your wishes, which leads to the bonus question: “What do I wish?” The answer to these questions is your password to Harvey. Please do not expect Harveyan authorities to set it up for you, for this will never work. While Harvey provides the address, you are the one who decides about the password. This is your chance! Once you enter Harvey, then you are bound to fully manifest your wishes. What else could you do there? The first step in the admission process is the translucent awareness of what you wish, while the second step is feeling entitled to bring to fruition what you wish. This allows you to enter the password and move to the third step, which is the instantaneous accomplishment of what you wish. Thus, on this New Moon time, please noticeably state your wishes, giving them consent to pragmatically reveal themselves, which is tantamount to feeling entitled to get what you wish. If you heed these instructions, you will find yourself in Harvey.
Articulate your wishes, write and even draw them down, surrender them to the Hartemian Grand Temple, and prepare yourself to receive them. This is the greatest risk possible. If you want to attain what you desire, you need to take this risk, and the more risks you take, the more you will manifest what you wish. Those who are afraid to make mistakes, constantly pondering whether they are entitled to do this or that, whether there are risks involved or not, will never make it to Harvey. Unless you have nothing better to do, stop being self-conscious and forget about risks or mistakes. Life is all hazardous anyway. Death is inevitable, and the packet of life always comes with an indeterminate, yet definite, date of expiry. Hence, in the meantime, if you get dull and stuck, instead of reaching out for what you wish, this is indeed the greatest risk you will ever run. There are no mistakes when taking risks, as long as you do not continue to make the same mistake over and over. Thus, be creative in your mistakes and always make sure that you devise innovative ones. Please do it right away! Go for what you wish in this precise moment. Do not delay for this makes Harveyan hearts inconsolable. Embrace your veritable passion! The Gate of Harvey will open for you. This is the greatest risk!
Haruhan – 5.6: Haruhan is a nation with the special status of sovereignty, which means that it is ruled by a king or queen. Its name comes from King Haruhan the First, one of the most renowned heroes in the State of Hartem, as well as the other five Central Handorian Core states (Kirway, Kallex, Trent, Tudor, Framg) and Handor. Haruhan is articulated into 12 national counties and the Royal Borough of Haruhan City. A major feature of Haruhan is the Hartemian Library Foundation, a gigantic multi-dimensional library and documentation centre.
Hartnor – 5.7: Hartnor occupies the Northern territory of the State of Hartem and is bounded by Tudor, Trent and Handor. Hartnor is a most recent nation. It was once the smallest and remotest territory of Hartem, the extreme edge of the State and also quite a dull, insipid location. The Hartemian expression “Go to Hartnor!” was a hilarious way of conveying to the recipient that you prefer not to be in his-her company. Then, as a result of an intricate story, which I abstain to relate at least for now, the territory of Hartnor increased in size, and is currently the largest nation. I regret I do not have time to celebrate the beauty and attractiveness of this nation, as well as all the other nations of the State of Hartem. Please find below a rough map.
Holsart – 5.8: Holsart is the oldest territory of Hartem, which was once called Sartem. Here the earliest settlements were established right after the emergence. The nature of this pristine community was awfully stimulating and attractive. It was indeed the bona fide horniest bit of the Handorian States. And, since in those times Handorians were extremely horny, the community expanded beyond any measure, until it became Hartem, the most gigantic metropolitan area of the Grey Sphere. Compared to what has developed around it, Holsart is not particularly relevant nowadays. The outer surface of most of its territory has been preserved just as it was in the early ages, offering a huge contrast with the current general make-up of Hartem. In the Epic context, Holsart is significant for the legendary presence of the Sacred Cone Golden Seed.
Donarul – 5.9: Located in the far eastern zone of the State, it is the most extraordinary Hartemian metropolitan development in recent ages. Donarulish are highly mobile, migrating and adventurous beings, with a compelling urge to discover and love what lies beyond, unveil hidden truths and then return home to describe their findings. They are also most popular for their overwhelming laughter, which can be extensively heard, especially in the south-east area of Donarul, near the border with the Nation of Lenning. It is thanks to this remarkable laughing spirit that they can face most audacious enterprises. Their pristine challenge involved establishing an outlet in the Handorian Sea, which, given the political situations of those times, was regarded as the greatest possible absurdity. Yet, following a long series of most audacious and hilarious endeavours, this is indeed what they accomplished! As a result, the State of Hartem was connected to the Handorian Sea, with the port town of Donandor becoming its far eastern extreme base and the departing point of many other amazing expeditions. Thus, if you aim at something unbelievable, mind-blogging, implausible, far-fetched, absurd, and against all odds, Donandor is the place to visit. There you will find all the support you need, for in Donandor the implausible becomes plausible. Yet, there is one condition: it will not work unless you walk, as well as laugh, your talk, have an unbending Intent and are prepared to gamble your entire energetic resources. Hence, give it a thought and once you are ready, you know where to go.
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